
Digital adds value for automotive dealerships

June 4, 2024

Finding the balance is key for automotive retailers in bridging the gap between traditional static signage and progressive digital alternatives. Due to the nature of the car purchasing journey, the integration of digital can aid in informing and assisting critical purchasing decisions. Automotive retailers are already integrating digitally interactive platforms to heighten the in-store customer experience and actively guide their journey, whether it be for first purchase or follow up service.

Creating synergy between traditional static signage and the opportunities of digital signage can be an integral part of the overall customer experience strategy for automotive dealers. Handling the integration and measuring the effectiveness of new technologies in the existing landscape is crucial in the understanding and justification of any digital investment.

Although store front static signage is almost a given, allowing your customers ease in finding your location is already activating a positive customer experience. A professional and well executed store design will reinforce the quality of product and provide confidence in the brand providing a car worth investing in.

Leveraging digital to your advantage can prove difficult with the multitude of options available. The trick lies in minimizing the quantity of digital platforms and maximizing the quality and value of the service via the digital that you’re delivering. The question has to be asked: “What do your customers really value?” Or perhaps, as a brand, “Can you place value in something they didn’t realize yet?”

Interactive engagement via digital platforms can work in physical retail environments to assist with:

  • Reducing wait times,
  • Providing customers with the power to explore different automotive options,
  • Education around environmental impact,
  • Wayfinding,
  • Servicing information and digital booking platform,
  • Personalizing the car purchasing journey,
  • Seeking feedback,
  • Promotional content,
  • Visual branding and brand storytelling, and
  • Tracking customer journeys

Physical retail environments are in a real transition period to stay relevant with the growing presence of the online marketplace and the disruption of autonomous, connected vehicles. Automotive retailers have the opportunity to explore how digital platforms align with their customers. With brand loyalty and ongoing customer service being a big part of their overall offer, interactive and personalized platforms can assist in positive experience and repeat business. Brand exploration, follow-up services and understanding of the product are all value that digital can help to effectively add to any retail space.

Automotive retailers should strive for harmony with the aesthetics in the space provided through static signage, and the overall functionality and customer experience that can be shaped by capabilities in digital platforms. Tailoring each space to the market and providing the most value for the customer journey should be the key informer of all signage investments.

As featured on Digital Signage Connection.