
Be innovative with your safety messages by going digital

June 4, 2024

The approach to safety for companies across varying industries is seeing a shift in delivery. Safety professionals are continually seeking to evolve their training and culture as an integral part of their systems and processes. Safety is a number one priority, but often employees feel disengaged from the content and the platforms in which it is being delivered. Although the management of team member safety is a legal obligation, companies also feel a moral responsibility for ensuring that everyone arrives at work and returns home from work every day.

A number of key priorities can be seen emerging in which safety teams are seeking to eliminate paper work and embrace digital media for onsite safety messaging, training and overall integration of safety programs.

Digital Safety Signs

Removing the over saturation of safety signage, digital options present a cost effective and engaging alternative to traditional static signs. With the ability to layer changing content, companies can deliver a number of safety messages whether it be

  • Safety alerts
  • Important site information
  • Safety non-negotiables / Golden rules
  • Safe to home messages
  • Weather information

Digital offers the opportunity to explore different content mediums and the capability to layer static, animated and video material to deliver more effective messages.

Internal Safety Messaging: Corporate Communications

Incorporating safe work and safe to home messaging into corporate and company communications can be made easy through digital platforms. With varying technologies and content opportunities, companies are embracing technology to maintain ongoing communication channels with their teams as digital messages are viewed as a more integrative part of the surrounding environments in contrast to emails or pushed memos.

Using digital can heighten the awareness of corporate communications and allow for ease of updating and changing messages in accordance with circumstantial and environmental factors.

Safety Procedures and Processes

To eliminate paper work, moving procedures and processes to video platform can allow for a more refreshing approach to mandatory safety communications. Visually representing, through video format, safety non-negotiables such as wearing PPE, pre-start stretching and maintaining hydration, team members are provided an ongoing visual reminder that is more effective than static alternatives.

An increasing trend amongst companies is the link between safety and the safe to home messaging, humanising the realities and importance of staying safe at work. As a human issue – video platform lends itself well to this level of communication as the visual stimulation has a much stronger connection with people’s emotions. Developing well thought video content for safety messages for your company can aid in teaching, improve understanding and elevate accessibility.

Wellbeing Initiatives

Health and wellbeing initiatives are becoming a more common element to the overall safety programs of many companies. Often these programs encompass team members mental and physical health and how that is impacted from work and home stresses. These programs can utilise digital platforms for a number of key benefits including; keeping key health and wellbeing messages front of mind, celebrating team member successes to foster a positive working environment, reminding teams about health and wellbeing activities or events, and integrating different content to break up the constant work focus.

Interactive Mapping

Site based workers are often exposed to changing environments and need to understand scheduling, upcoming works, crossover of trades, permit information and project progress. Utilising touch screen technology, interactive mapping would allow supervisors on site to deliver their pre-start information with visual cues and then have ongoing access to that information throughout the day. Utilising digital site maps would provide supervisors to continually update information and have it on hand for ongoing communications.

CV Media & Signage have had exposure and experience in delivering digital safety signs and have the capability and capacity to cater solutions in accordance with your company’s needs.

As featured on Digital Signage Connections.